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PT OISN supports the Tangerang City Government in addressing traffic congestion at the Rawa Kucing Landfill


Updated: Oct 22, 2024

[Tangerang City, October 2024]

PT OISN, together with the Tangerang City Environmental Agency (DLH), successfully alleviated traffic congestion on Iskandar Muda Road leading to the entrance of the Rawa Kucing Landfill (TPA).

As the Implementing Entity for the Tangerang City Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Project, PT OISN initiated activities starting with the goal of resolving traffic issues around the Rawa Kucing Landfill area.

Previously, the operational road inside the landfill had been buried under waste, hindering waste management operations and causing prolonged traffic jams around the TPA. The congestion, caused by waste trucks queuing to enter the landfill, was often a source of complaints from the public using Iskandar Muda Road.

Since early September 2024, PT OISN has begun relocating waste to clear operational roads and connect access from Gate 1 to Gate 2 of Rawa Kucing Landfill. In addition, PT OISN has opened two new tipping points to support waste reception operations at the landfill. This activity has successfully improved the efficiency of waste reception services and tipping points at Rawa Kucing Landfill, preventing further traffic congestion on Iskandar Muda Road.

Project Opening Ceremony of the Tangerang City Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Project on September 2, 2024

These activities by PT OISN are part of the land preparation phase of the Tangerang City Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Project, which is planned to process up to 2,000 tons of waste per day and generate up to 40 MW of electricity.

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